FORAY Laboratory

FORAY is an advanced consulting laboratory, conducting specialised testing

- Overview

An advanced consulting laboratory

FORAY Laboratories Pty Ltd is a NATA-accredited laboratory to ISO 17025. As an advanced consulting laboratory, FORAY conducts specialised testing and analytical services for a wide range of clients and provides an in-house laboratory service for CETEC.

Routine analytical testing

Specialised testing

Advanced analytical services

Foray Laboratories is NATA accredited laboratory No. 1231 for Chemical and Biological Testing. See NATA website for full scope (Chemical, Biological).

- Our Approach

High quality and effective scientific testing

Our focus is to provide cost-effective, timely, quality results which unlock scientific solutions and minimise your risks. 

- Our Approach

With our global network of laboratories and university collaborations, we can deliver an unlimited range of tests and analytical solutions. View our lab capabilities below:

Routine Analytical Testing

Foray can provide you with a range of routine testing services: 

  • Microbial Water Sampling
  • VOC content
  • Heavy metal analysis –Inductively Coupled Plasma Mass Spectrometry (ICP-MS)
  • Optical Microscopy
  • Air Sample Gas Chromatography

Specialised Testing

Foray can perform a variety of analitical techniques including:

  • Corrosion Assessment
  • Building Cladding Analysis
  • Scanning Electron Microscopy
  • Fourier Transform Infrared Analysis (FTIR)

Advanced Analytical Services

Foray offers customised analytical methods for new applications: 

  • Product & Material Chemical Emission Testing
  • Rapid Legionella Testing
  • Rapid Microbial Analysis for surface, air & water
  • Synchrotron
  • Gas Chromatography with Mass spectrometry (GCMS)

- Lab Locations

FORAY has laboratories and highly qualified staff located across Australia.