This policy supports our commitment to limiting the risk of modern slavery occurring within our own business or infiltrating our supply chains.

We work in a professional services industry working predominantly within scientific consultancy services and therefore our Modern Slavery and Human Trafficking risks are assessed to be low. However, we are committed to developing our policies to ensure a consistently strong position.

The Managing Director has overall responsibility for this policy and in ensuring that the Group complies with all its legal and ethical obligations.

All Senior Managers are responsible for ensuring that those reporting directly to them comply with the provisions of this policy in the day to day performance of their roles.   Senior Managers will ensure that all relevant staff receive adequate training on this policy and any supporting processes applicable to their role.  Such training will form part of the Group’s induction process.


Due to the scope of CETEC’s project-related activities and design consultancy services, the risk of breaches of modern slavery regulatory requirements has been assessed as low.

The policy applies to all persons working for or on our behalf in any capacity, including employees, directors, officers, agency workers, contractors, consultants and any other third-party representative.  

We expect all who have or seek to have a business relationship with CETEC to familiarise themselves with this policy and to act at all times in a way that is consistent with its values.

This policy will be used to underpin and inform any statement on slavery and human trafficking that we are required to produce further to the transparency in supply chain requirements of Section 54 of the Modern Slavery Act 2015 (MSA).

We will

  • Conduct regular risk assessments to determine which parts of our own business and which of our supply chains are most at risk from modern slavery.
  • Where appropriate, as informed by our risk assessment, we will engage directly with suppliers in respect of our anti-slavery policy in order to gain a proper understanding of the measures they have in place to ensure that modern slavery is not occurring within their own businesses, and, where appropriate, agree how such measures could be enhanced.

Any breaches of this policy will be taken seriously and dealt with on a case by case basis.

The breach of this policy by an employee or director of the Group may lead to disciplinary action being taken in accordance with our disciplinary procedure.  Serious breaches may be regarded as gross misconduct and may lead to immediate dismissal further to our disciplinary procedure.

More Information

The full privacy policy is available upon request.  Please contact CETEC about privacy-related issues by post, facsimile or email:

The Policy Officer  – Rosalie Rao


Unit 2 27

Normanby Road


email: [email protected]