Are you concerned about Legionella oubreaks?
Legionella is a microbial survivor that can infect water systems in buildings, putting immunocompromised and other susceptible individuals at high risk.
CETEC has the experience and expertise necessary to help protect the people who matter most by providing comprehensive Legionella risk management services. Recognised as the industry leader in Legionella outbreak investigations and prevention, CETEC has vast experience in high-risk facilities such as hospitals and aged care.
Our Core Services include:
Legionella pneumophila and species
Rapid Legionella – NATA 24-hour TAT
Heterotrophic Plate Count (HPC)
Genome Typing
Chlorine Levels
Biofilm Indicators
Corrosion / Scaling Parameters
General Water Quality
Verify compliance with Regulations and Standards
Control Water-Related Risk
Reduce disruption to operations
Prevent injury and illness